CZ P09: Near Perfect, Suppressor Ready [Full Review]

For under $600 you can get a reliable, super cool, suppressor ready combat pistol in the CZ P09. While not ultra light the CZ P09 offers 21 rds of firepower with the extended magazine. The version shown comes in “mud” coloration, another 2C feature. Add it excellent high TRITIUM suppressor sights, two magazines, good ergos, and interchangeable backstraps. It is a large GTW pistol Of course without accuracy and reliablilty, the CZ P09 would fall flat here in TNP. Good news is this gun in heavy testing broke a string of unreliable guns tested here. It was perfectly reliable with loads shot and showed perfect accuracy. All features covered along with POU and competitive options discussion. We say this is the best CZ pistol that CZ USA has come out with in a long time. You will be hearing about it more now.
Nutnfancy Likability Scale: 4.5 out of 5

Super cool Casio GravityMaster in Red shown:

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