CZ JUST REVEALED New 9MM Pistol Caliber Carbine | Review

CZ JUST REVEALED New 9MM Pistol Caliber Carbine | Review

CZ JUST REVEALED New 9MM Pistol Caliber Carbine | Review

First Look
The previous scorpion has been a favorite on the market since its release in 2014. With a fresh look and some control changes, the new Scorpion 3+ has people talking about the new variants of the popular Scorpion line. We managed to get our hands on one and after a few months of range time, we can confidently give the new Scorpion a fair shakedown. Let’s take a closer look at the new CZ Scorpion 3 Plus.

The new Scorpion 3 Plus is an improved generation compared to the first and second-generation Scorpion models. When first looking at the new 3+ model, you start to see there were a number of cosmetic changes as well as control changes to improve the overall experience for shooters. The most noticeable change is the overall lower frame design which matches its big brother, the Bren 2. In addition to the frame change, CZ also changed the pistol grip position and safety selector so it won’t rub your hand at all when firing. The other large change from the previous generation is the inclusion of an AR-15 style mag release and new mags. The 3+ mags will fit in previous generations but the older style mags will not fit in this Scorpion 3 Plus.
Currently, the Scorpion 3+ comes with two 20-round mags that are black instead of the translucent mags that shipped with previous variations. For the Scorpion 3+, CZ has started to include robust metal iron sights on every model as well as a Magpul hand stop as standard. Apart from the cosmetic changes and the switch in controls, the Scorpion action largely remains the same as previous models.

Range Time​
Just like the MP5K, We decided to make this a spicy little SBR and immediately filed our paperwork when the Scorpion 3+ came in. At first, we were worried since the new 3+ variant hasn’t been out very long so we were rather curious if the older style Scorpion stocks would fit on this guy. Once the paperwork came back on it, we decided to pick up a Reptilia Corp Link System with a Magpul stock. In our opinion, this is one of the best-looking stock systems for the Scorpion while keeping that compact trend going with the gun. In addition to the new stock, we threw a Trijicon RMR and Anvl Ukon on top for an optic setup. A Huxwrx Rad 9 suppressor and Lead Faucet Tactical LFT hand stop also made their way onto our Scorpion 3+.

From the factory, the Scorpion 3+ comes with two 20-round mags with no other mag options available for it at this time. CZ USA confirmed the larger 30-round mags are on their way. We ended up converting a couple of the older generation 35-round Magpul mags by cutting a notch into them for the new mag catch. As far as range trips go with the Scorpion 3+, we have roughly 5 range trips totaling just over 750 rounds so far. Some of the biggest differences to the new 3+ variant are certainly the controls updates. The new layout feels very similar to an AR-15 when it comes to the mag release.
Mag changes can be done very quickly compared to the older style, but sending the bolt home was a bit of an adjustment for us. The new bolt release placement can be a bit of a stretch depending on your finger length. For us, it was a bit of a long reach, but the addition of an MP5 style release gives users the option to use the charging handle just like you would with a standard MP5 which is our preferred method. One upgrade that was a big difference overall was the safety selector and grip change. The different grip angle and safety selector make shooting the Scorpion 3 Plus much more enjoyable.

Out of the multiple range trips, the Scorpion 3 Plus has been 100% reliable with no malfunctions or hiccups. One of our favorite parts of the Scorpion 3+ is the polymer handguard being wide enough to fit a suppressor under it. During testing, we used a Rad 9 suppressor from Huxwrx with great luck so far.
When it comes to accuracy, the Scorpion 3 Plus has a 4.2″ barrel so it’s important to remember expectations with this firearm. At 50 yards, we were roughly getting 1.75-2.25″ groups with Federal 115gr ammo and Blazer 124gr ammunition. While those are definitely not sub-MOA numbers, it’s not bad for such a PDW with such a short barrel. We have the confidence of knowing we can make further shots with such a short firearm.

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